Page 21 - Harris College Magazine: Summer 2013

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First Place: Jennifer
Newman (Kinesiology)
“Relationship Between Level
of Physical Activity, Exercise
Intensity, Mood and Beta-
Newman took first place honors with her study depicting the
intensity of acute bouts of exercise and the mood affects pre-
to post-exercise. She also examined whether these changes
corresponded to b-endorphin levels. She concluded that low
intensity exercise is ideal for improvements in mood states
regardless of fitness level, and that these improvements are not
correlated with b-endorphin levels.
Second Place: Shelby Barron
and Jay Baumgardner
“A Pilot Study of Physical Activity
in Preschool Children with and
without Down Syndrome”
Barron and Baumgardner conducted a study comparing body
composition and physical activity in children with Down syndrome
to their typically developing peers. They concluded that BMI, BMI
percentile and percent fat were significantly higher in the Down
syndrome group than their typically developing peers.
Third Place: Meredith Grubb
“Public Health Nurse
Recommendation for Bicycle
Helmet Legislation in Texas”
Grubb conducted a study examining the Healthy People 2020
objective IVP-11 to reduce unintentional injury deaths from 40.0
deaths per 100,000 (2007) to 36.0 deaths per 100,000 (2020). In
order for this to happen, primary prevention efforts needed
improvement. She concluded parent role-modeling is the most
influential factor for increasing bicycle helmet use in the pediatric
population. Therefore, implementation of a law requiring adults
and children to wear helmets is essential.
Honorable Mention: Katie Barr
(Social Work)
“Time Out for Big Kids: A Study of
In-School Suspension at Birdville
High School”
Barr conducted a study assessing recidivism among students
who receive in-school suspension (ISS) at Birdville High School
(BHS) and varying degrees of ISS based on grade, gender, race
and economically disadvantaged status (as defined by Free and
Reduced Lunch). She concluded that freshmen (grade 9), black
and economically disadvantaged students were receiving ISS
more frequently than their comparison group representation in
the schools population.
First Place: Joseph Martin (DNP STUDENT)
“Activated Charcoal Adsorption of Volatile
Anesthetic Agents for Anesthesia Machine
Preparation of Malignant Hyperthermia
Susceptible Patients”
Martin took first place honors with his presentation on his process
of informing anesthesia professionals about outdated guidelines
for malignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptible patients and the
process to disseminate new guidelines. He concluded that one of
the major outdated findings that he prepared for dissemination
was there are new guidelines with the use of activated
charcoal filters.
Second Place: Paula Sinde
(MSN, Clinical Nurse
Leadership student)
“Improving Patient Satisfaction
and Decreasing Readmissions
Through Discharge Education
Sinde conducted a study to implement evidence-based
interventions, including TeamStepps check back process, two
nurse reviews of discharges, medication cards, inpatient surveys
and discharge instructions with pictographs in an effort to
increase Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers
and System Surveys (HCAHPS) patient satisfaction scores and
decrease readmissions. She concluded that patient satisfaction
increased in the area related to discharge education and patient
medication after the implementation of the new process, although
improvements are still needed in the medication review area to
reach a consistent level of increased patient satisfaction scores.
Graduate and undergraduate students in HCNHS presented their research at the 10th annual Student Research
Symposium April 18, and eight won awards. Associate Dean of Research Debbie Rhea said, “The Harris College
Research Symposiumprovides the students the opportunity to develop presentation skills, knowledge, and research
in a professional venue, which will increase their preparedness for graduate school and professional employment.”
continued on next page
The Harris College Magazine
- 2013 ·